Don’t worry, our team is always here to help you. Feel free to contact us through any platform you wish and we’ll checked what happened.
From the date you received your order, you have up to 10 days to return your item back to us. We don’t provide refunds, but if you are not sure what you want to change your return item with, we can provide you a return voucher which is valid for 1 month from the date we received your return. If you decide to proceed with a return you must know that all the shipping fees will be paid by you.
You can pay online when you proceed with your order or pay cash at ACS when you go to receive your package
You can pay online when you place your order
We ship all over Cyprus and Greece with ACS courier.
Once you place your order, you will receive it within 1-2 working days. For orders over €50 the shipping fee is free. If your order is below €50, you will be charged +€3 for the shipping fee.
Once you place your order, you will receive it within 2-5 working days. For orders over €150 the shipping fee is free. If your order is below €150, you will be charged +€8 for the shipping fee